In December 2023, a bunch of women gathered together to the International tattoo convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico, organized by tattoo personality Yallzee and tattooer Fibs. These women are veteran tattoo artists who have been tattooing for more than 40 years, they know and live tattooing and they have experienced it all, the highs and the lows.

This reunion was made possible thanks to New Jersey tattooer Jen Carmean, who tirelessly organized the panel in every possible detail, and Yallzee, who was more than happy and proud to host it at the convention.

Names like Debra Yarian, Jacci Gresham, Vyvyn Lazonga, Diane Farris and Pat Sinatra were all in the house! Very important names in tattooing that everyone should be aware of and know that most of these ladies are still tattooing and doing conventions! So please make sure to support them in any way you can, since they are trailblazers of the industry.

Also present at the panel US tattooers Telisa Swan, Monica Moses, Deirdre Aikin, Megan Hoogland, Anna Waychoff and Birgit Lessing from Germany.

This is a very important moment in tattooing, where the ladies together got to take the stage, talk about their own journey in tattooing and get a long awaited honor plaque to mark their life long career.

By the end of the convention, a video interview conducted by Deirdre Aikin took place at their ‘Air BnB’ and we hope to see it online soon.

Overall a great experience and I’m happy I was invited to attend and document it!
Female tattooers are very important factors in the history of modern tattooing.. it is important to keep track of who is who, and give credit where credit is due.

Sometimes the newer generations overlook paying their respect to the ones who paved the way, so let’s make sure veteran women everywhere get their deserved place in tattooing.

Today the tattoo industry is flooded with amazing and talented female artists , but let’s not forget that only 40 years ago it wasn’t so common for a woman to be tattooed and certainly not common to be a tattoo artist! It was a male dominated industry and the few ladies who took the chance to get into this business earlier on, were definitely brave and strong willed.

It is always important to look back and learn about their story, as tattooers and as women. Thank you Jen Carmean (@inkyknuckles) for hosting this beautiful reunion of badass women! And Puerto Rico! Thank you for your hospitality and beauty and see you definitely next year!