Brief interview with the artist working in Itaewon, the foreigner-friendly district Seoul. His works? “Influenced by old folk painting” says GB Kim himself.

How would you describe your tattoos?
It’s a painting that reinterprets traditional Korean art in a modern style and uses a needle to fit the structure and flow of a person’s body.

Do they reflect you and your culture in any way?
Yeah! I’m Korean, and I love Korean culture.

What are your references for the subjects you tattoo?
The oldest and most abstract folk painting.

Where do you find inspiration to create your magical world populated with fantastic creatures?
Definitely from challenge spirit.

Why do you choose black?
I prefer to dilute grey which penetrates the skin so I choose black.

Where are you tattooing right now?
Itaewon, Seoul.

Are you working on any particular project?
I really want to sa, but I can’t!

What are your plans for the future?
If I have a goal it is that I hope many people can see and enjoy my creations.

Is there anything you want to add before we sign off?
I sincerely hope that there are no people who get stressed out by tattoos. And obviously thanks for reading what I have to say!