The latest title The Visionary Soul of Edo Horihiro in the series The Great Books on The Art of Tattooing is finally available and fresh off the press.
A visionary take on Ukiyo-e filtered through the contemporary mind of Japanese artist Edo Horihiro. Over 300 pages present two decades of his work, with illustrations, paintings and tattoos…
An incredible 300-page journey through the most cherished subjects and themes in the world of Ukiyo-e presented in paintings, drawings and tattoos, a vision of Ukiyo-e filtered through the contemporary mind of Japanese artist Edo Horihiro.

“My artwork is a combination of hand drawing and unceasing thought in that instant. As soon as I start drawing, I feel something floating in my head and I draw it immediately. Intuition is the only driving force behind my work and I depend on it when I start painting on canvas. I tend to create the story behind my works only when they are finished. Only after the work is completed does the story come out”.

Between tradition and innovation, Horihiro makes us jump from the brands of shoes, watches and icons of modern consumerism as dear to the hearts of today’s fashion addicts as fans once were to geishas, weapons to samurai and demons and ghosts to tradition and folk beliefs.

Two decades of work, with illustrations, paintings and tattoos where samurai, geishas, snakes, ghosts, skeletons, demons, fantastic beasts and elements of nature become reinterpretations and visual worlds with new and different details.
A visionary take on Ukiyo-e filtered through the contemporary mind of Japanese artist Edo Horihiro. Over 300 pages present two decades of his work, with illustrations, paintings and tattoos…