We are pleased to announce that our latest international tattoo publication is now available at newsstands. This new release is the result of merging the Tattoo Artists Yearbook UK & Ireland with the Annuaire Tatoueurs Français.
It serves as a virtual bridge connecting French and English tattoo cultures, further strengthening the exchanges that have long existed between tattoo studios on either side of the Channel.
Featuring hundreds of tattoos in the most popular contemporary styles, this new guide is not only for tattoo enthusiasts from France and Britain, but also for travelers who approach tattoo art with passion, curiosity, and a desire to find artists who specialize in particular styles or subjects.

From local to glocal — a term that has entered the the international collective language to describe how behaviors, attitudes, and interests reflect both local and global focuses — the variety of tattoo offerings has expanded and crossed borders.

This makes it possible for people to discover new faces in the tattoo community and engage in enriching cultural exchanges within the scene.
You can purchase your copy at your local newsstand or through our Tattoo Life Store. Choose between the English or French edition and get your copy with just one click!