The irrationality of Surrealism and analysis of the psyche, the dimension of dream and Mannerism all come together with the use of the colour and light you might find in a Flemish painting.

This is what goes to make up the world of artist Alessandro Sicioldr whose figures outside of time seem to have dropped into a space that is elsewhere, familiar and yet mysterious…

His paintings are steeped in an atmosphere of chaos or contemplation, where mysterious figures out of time occupy a space which is undefined, “somewhere else”, full of riddles. Alessandro Sicioldr draws the irrationality and exploration of the human psyche from Surrealism, while he takes the dreamlike dimension from Symbolism.

Clearly inspired by Mannerism and Flemish painters, in terms of his use of colour, light and minute detail, Sicioldr’s work reveals the inner workings of his own soul and subconscious.