In the latest issue of Tattoo Life magazine, we dedicated an article to Jose Lopez, and published an extract of a very interesting interview to this amazing artist.

Since what he told us in this interview is an integral part of the art that distinguishes him as one of the most important interpreters of Chicano Black and Grey we are here publishing the full interview, an insight into the Lowrider Tattoo world that owes everything to him.
Lowrider tattoo stands for fine line and Chicano Black and Grey, that West Coast Americana style with roots in the traditions of Mexico and South America fused with the epitome of consumerism and has come to represent all that is best in this culture. Lowrider is one big “family” with shops in Euorpe and the States, a goldmine of talent and interpreters of this style not to mention and international enterprise.

The man who created this cosmopolitan brand is Jose Lopez, a face known to all in the tattoo trade, charismatic, respectful, you could describe him as a gentleman from times gone by. In this article we have decided to collect his off the cuff reflections, tying them in with the most intimate aspects of his personality: that of the artist and creator of drawings of incomparable beauty where the contact with his private side emerges best. Silently, just imagine you are stepping across the threshold of his studio to see him seated on his chair, rapt in thought and the driving forces which guides his hand.

Transition of drawing on paper
I found my self in Portugal for the very first time working on a friend back in 2018 As we were having a conversation he asked if he could show me some art work he was planing on purchasing. The work wasn’t to good in my opinion. So I mentioned to him he should go with another artist to which he replied “well why don’t you draw me something” that was the exact moment I thought to my self, “why am I not drawing or painting anymore”. At this point I have to be very honest drawing is what introduced me to tattooing and got me to be known by the tattoo flash I drew and sold for many years and after all that I just abandoned it. I put drawing aside like something unimportant. I continued with my tattoo career which brought me so much fame and so many other privileges one could say, and in time I realize that there was something missing. I struggled with my self for a long time just feeling lost in the rat race that exist in our life’s. I just felt like no matter what I did it did not fill that void I felt with in me. In 2019 I decided that I would give drawing another go. I worked the hardest I ever did in 2019. I set a goal to buy me something I have never thought of before. You see I realize that the reason I was not drawing was simply because if I stayed home to draw I wouldn’t make money, it was very simple. We as tattoo artist develop all kinds of bad habits due to the instant gratification we get, be by the money we make, the praise we get or other privileges one gets used to. This instant gratification feels so good that we start to forget about what really matters.

Realizing this I decided to work around it as I do in so many other instances. So the thing I bought for my self was Time. I worked so hard and gave my self the gift of Time. After that year 2019 I saved enough money to be able to stay home for three months in which I would draw with out worrying about paying my bills which I had to pay along with every other responsibilities I had. What would follow was a series of events that helped me in the most difficult moments where I felt like giving up. Between covid 19 and breaking one of my legs while getting out of bed forced me to stay home and just draw, this helped me focus and dedicate more time to drawing. I have a very addictive personality and once I integrate that in to anything I do, It takes on a powerful spell that gives me all the strength and reasons to do what I set my self to do.
As we move forward in life we gain and lose a lot of traditions friends and even family. Things we used to do, things that made us happy. Drawing was one of them for me, perhaps the most important one. For it puts me in a solitary place where I get do a lot of introspection, or the ability to reflect on one’s own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and identify areas for improvement or growth.. There is a monster with in all of us and it is a very scary thought to confront that part of us. So most don’t. I faced my self and listen to the chaos that lurked with in me. I was on a path of self destruction and I had to do something about it. When I draw which is usually for very long periods of time I think and like to listen to many different types of lectures on educational matters like neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and art history. It’s amazing how much information you can find on YouTube. There is something for everyone. My personal beliefes shape my perspectives and goals which then I turn to actions. I’m proud of where I come from and where I have been. I remember the simplest things I have seen and experienced. The most important one is not forgetting about the people who have helped and continue to help me til today.

There are so many things that contribute to us becoming the best version of our selfs, We have to find what they are and actualize our selfs. I live a very peaceful life now from working 5 days a week and drawing when ever I get time before and after work and mostly all weekends. The amount of work I’m putting out would be impossible to do with out sacrificing things most other people do. Things like going out and drinking with fiends, watching tv or playing sports. People including my self question why I do it, and I like to think it brings me peace, it helps me get In touch with my self. I get to reconnect with that inner child I left behind long long time ago. That Innocent shy little boy who did not get to have a normal upbringing for he had to grow up really fast and raise a child being a child him self. I put all this aside and moved on a long time ago, I left behind a very important part of me in the process, A part of me that I have been able to reconnect with today. I enjoy being with my self and on the positive side I get to learn so much more about my self. It’s weird I spend so much time alone and still I connect with so many people, perhaps it is through creating art that we get to do that. A big part of me gets infused into every drawing I do. I sometime do homages to Artists I get inspired by, one of them is Jesus Huelgera who I drew the Leyenda de Los Volcanes after. This helps me study their technics. I then later integrate this technics on to my own drawings.
The Maddona and child, or The kid from the hood as I like to call it. Is a perfect example of studying by applying one self. I like the LA aesthetic but semetimes it’s not enough. In this drawing I used a Leonardo Davinci painting as inspiration, I like to add a touch of the old renaissance which in my opinion works just perfectly with the Chicano style for it makes the image look both elegant and aesthetically pleasing. The countless lectures and art history documentaries I play while I draw takes on an important role in my process. It makes me aware of the important elements that makes a good art piece. Elements like composition, balance, rhythm, rule of thirds, negative space the the one that gives me the most trouble simplification. I spend endless hours drawing so it gives me plenty of time to digest a lot of this information and I do it time and time again. This brings me to the realization that being an Artist is not just about drawing or tattooing, it s a lifestyle one that makes a person happy not just for the moment or while performing the act, It is one that extends over the lifespan of a persons life. The last two drawings I completed “Poodle Chicanismo” and “Introspection” I really poured my heart and soul into them. I believe I found a new way to connect not only with my self but also with others. By sharing my feelings and emotions through my drawings a have begun to heal so many repressed memories I had with in.

Mariposa Traicionera is based on an important figure in our Mexican history a young woman named Malintzin. She was an Aztec girl who gave birth to the first mestizo (Spanish-Aztec child.) She became the lover and guide of Hernan Cortes the man who conquered the Aztecs. Since she aided him she became to be known as a traitor hence the tittle of the artwork. The word malinche is still used to describe some one who betrays you. I’m very fascinated by old myths and legends specially those of my culture. This brings up the importance of story telling. For it is through stories that we get transported to other places in time. This nurtures our sense of wonder and it helps us visualize what things could have been or felt like. This is the magic of inspiration in full effect.
Critical thinking is very important in one’s process and is usually what we fail to do most of the time. If I listen to others when I get some ideas and share those ideas with them I would never draw nothing. The ideas that come into our minds are only there momentarily so if we don’t take action they flee like the air. You have to believe in your self that the idea you have is going to work and if it doesn’t work, you will at least get to learn what does not work as you move along. The fact that we don’t see a clear way towards a finish line doesn’t mean it’s not there. The way becomes the path and as we walk that path and we get closer to our goals they become more and more apparent. I believe that the technical part of drawing is much less critical than the psychological part. Which brings us to psychology, Humanistic psychology for me has thought me so much, and the concept of self actualization is paramount in our journey towards progress in any field wether it be personal growth or the refinement of an ability. A lot us in the tattoo industry have never had any former educations or training in art so it not unusual that we might not understand so many complicated concepts when it comes to art. That is very unfortunate, even more the fact that so many don’t even care to try to understand. I was one of them my self. When it comes to the kind of materials I use I go crazy I like to explore everything I see and hear about while i do my research. The types of pencils papers and what ever gets in my way I try it. Some times I pick things up and don’t know what I will do with them. Then one day it comes to me “this is what I will do with this” and bammmmmmm a new idea emerges.
The paper that I have been using at the moment is arches watercolor paper hot press to be exact It is hard to master, I still run into problems here and there. It reminds me that I should never get too comfortable and I should always try to learn more and adapt. The part of my drawing process that I enjoy the most is that of the storyline. The more important and personal something is, the more effort we tend to add.
Most of the work I have been doing is getting bigger and bigger so I have to move on to rolls rather than single sheets. This brings up another problem. To be able to move faster and be more practical I have developed a way to move through the drawing faster and more efficient. I first mount the paper on a foam board, I begin to draw the image from the bottom since I cant stand up, I am forced to do it from my chair, I cut the foam board and bend it back as I finish those areas then I proceed to roll the paper up, I taped the edges and continue to draw on that part of the drawing, this allow me to always work on the same area reachable from my chair. This makes me advance so much faster and it makes it possible to do the super big drawings I have been producing.
Another important aspect of my process is the exploration and research I do before doing the actual drawing, from searching for references to making my own, all this is crucial when building your idea. The lack of this element
can also prevent our ideas from forming. Sometimes I get ideas of doing certain things and to be honest I don’t know how I’m going to do it. This is when you have to delegate jobs to your subconscious and let it do the problem solving for you, don’t worry about how it’s gonna manifest it self just believe that it will. There is a part is us that we can hear or see and most of the time we are not even aware that it exist. We are just the vehicle and there is another part of us driving it. We need to get in touch with that part of us. You become a super power when you do so.
This is perhaps the most difficult thing to find… Time, specially in todays world that is filled with so many distractions. I basically cut most things out of my life when I’m home. I spend about ten hours at the studio and another 2 to 6 hours drawing depending on the drawing and how important or fun it is. When I get a cancellation it’s a celebration for I get to draw more. Lol the week ends allow me to really spend some serious time on areas where the drawing needs it. There are parts of the drawing that are fun towards the end. Therefore I usually do the difficult ones first. Once out of the way the rest is very enjoying. Consistency is very important, we go through different faces in our life’s. I have come to learn that this one of the most important things to remember, to be consistent. This is something I have to keep doing, creating more and more and believing that it will make an impact in my life and perhaps some one else’s. There is no doubt in my mind for I have experience this personally several times my self.
Art saved my life and it has continue doing so many times.
I’m very curious and often get bore of things, meaning I like to be exploring with different things. I like to pay attention to the omens or coincidences that happen in my life. They help me navigate as I move around. To learn to listen to our own instincts is very crucial in our lives. Everything that is relevant to my story I keep close to me. Every one who has played a part in it as well. Then I still leave room for that which will come in the future. Where ever I find my self is the place where I need to be and try to enjoy every bit to the fullest.
“The best thing all this years of tattooing have taught me is Gratitude”. I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to be a tattooer. To me the art of Tattooing is like a vessel one that takes me from one part of the world to another and in that journey I get to meet so many beautiful people who now I call friends. We learn from one another and share different perspectives that come in handy from time to time. When I’m away I get to reflect on so many things which makes me realize that everything in the world happening to us plays an important role in ours lives even more when we pay attention. When something happens in our life there is so much that had to align in a certain way for that to be possible. So therefore we should be grateful for every second of our existence.
I’m a dreamer at heart I find my self dreaming all the time. I want to inspired others to do the same, to regain back what ever part of them they also left behind. To use what ever inspires you to paint your greatest masterpiece and in that process inspire some one else and pay it forward. I’m a grandfather now that was something I never imagined at least how it would feel. This teaches me that there is so much more in the world we can not begin to imagine. I find my self living the dream for it is what is happening in this moment of our life’s that matters. The yesterdays are no longer here, the tomorrows are not guaranteed and said so we must live today as if we are going to die tomorrow, and learn so much as if we were going to live for an eternity. I’m a very lucky person I often think of how things would have been other wise and I quickly interrupt my self and instead I give thanks for the blessings god has bestow upon me. I give thanks to all you for supporting me all this time and most of all I give thanks for all the greatness that is still to come.
Did you like this article? Buy the new issue of Tattoo Life with Jose Lopez, star of our ‘Chat at the top’ column, in the digital version that you can download on your device.