She likes to be provocative using her body as an object of an artwork. She puts her heart on that and she is expressive from the top of her head to the tip of her toe. She is Svetlanna, SuicideGirl and alt model who likes to sing, and her motto is: Free your mind and have no bias!
Hello Svetlanna, where are you from and where do you live?
I’ll only say I’m a latina – most people think I’m russian because my name is – but I’m not!
What do you do for a living?
I’m an independent model and I’m mostly shooting for my OnlyFans profile (just search for Svetlanna there!) or for SuicideGirls (just search for Svetlanna on both websites!), and I can say I’m an influencer too. I have an account on Instagram with 120K followers ( and a TikTok account with more than 400K followers and some virals (@sv3tlanna). It’s pretty cool to be autonomous and explore my own creativity and body expression as a work!

You are a Suicide Girl official model. Would you like to tell us why and how it happened?
I became a SG mostly because it was a world I identify with a lot: piercings, tattoos and praising women’s uniqueness. I was already an independent model but I was taking it mostly as a hobby rather than a work until I entered SuicideGirls community – slowly I turned this into my main work and I could each day evolve in modelling. It’s amazing to see every time how much I grew up during my journey, and it is also so thrilling, in the best way to use this adjective, to see how much my work impacts people’s lives!
How they remember my photos or create some kind of affection for them!

Do you like to be provocative in your photos? In which way?
I like being provocative, period. You see, as a model who uses her own body as an object of an artwork, people usually distort the vision of my work or rather “tag” me as a random girl showing her body online but I’m more than that.
I put my heart and soul into my work, my feelings. I am expressive from the top of my head to the tip of my toe.
And when I said I like impacting people’s lives that’s what I mean: making people feel through my photos, ‘cuz art is all about being provocative and making people feel something – even if it’s anger or discomfort. What, in my opinion, is so antiquated – what is so wrong about female bodies or our sexual liberation?

Are there some rules to follow to be a suicide girl?
There are some rules to be in that community as a user – and you can check their Terms Of Use on their website! But for being a model? I don’t think so. A hint I would tell to whoever wants to enter the community? Free your mind and have no bias – you’ll enter a community who has a bunch of people from all around the world, with different views and tastes.

What about tattoos? When did you fall in love with this art?
I guess since I was a rebel but nerdy teenager. I always liked to have my own style but turning into a teen makes you rebel and you want to try different things, so I first started piercing myself – and tattoos are the consequence of it.

What was the first and now how is your collection developing? You have a total black sleeve, why this style, is it an aesthetic choice or what?
The first one was actually one made when I was a minor and I already covered it up. So, the second one was actually a quote from Rainer Maria Rilke on my clavicle, “GEHEN SIE IN SICH”, which means “get into yourself”.

I plan to retire from tattoos once I finish the one on my leg – just like the arm, those huge blocks of black are called “blackout tattoos” and it is actually a style I think matches me a lot. Also, I have a great tattoo artist (@brennocohen on all socials) and we all know the importance of choosing the right professional for an art that’s gonna be forever on your skin – technically and creatively, he’s great!!

Are you a dancer? Or do you love pole dance?
I can dance a thing or two on the pole but I’m more into flex training! Bending my body feels great – especially when I can go way bendy!

Last question: what are your favorite hobbies and what do you dream for your future?
I love singing, and at the same time people don’t know my voice on the internet and that’s insane. Sometimes I post videos of me singing and people say I have a canary voice so that motivates me a lot by posting (some) videos on my Instagram. And for my future? I wanna be happy, that’s all. And I already feel like I am accomplishing this goal in life.