A beautiful sunny place for a beautiful sunny girl! Meet Macey, a sweet and powerful and tattoo collector from Australia who loves modelling and sees tattoos as the ultimate self-expression. With a motto inked on her chest: darkest nights, brightest stars.

Hello Macey how are you and where are you now?
Hi! I’m fantastic, and thank you for featuring me.
The photos on your Instagram are often shot in a super sunny place! Where do you live?
I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Yes! The weather is always sunny and beautiful here and I am very blessed to live where I do.

What do you do for a living and how old are you?
At the moment I am just freelancing with modelling and business, hoping to progress further in my modelling career and work with even more brands. I’m 24 years old.

How do you feel about tattoos and how do you feel with your collection of tattoos on your skin?
I absolutely love every single one of my tattoos. I believe they’re beautiful, whether they tell a story or if they are just by choice, to me they are the epitome of art. To express yourself and your creativity through putting it on your skin forever is incredible to me.

Why did you decide to tattoo your hands and neck that are usually considered the last part of the body to be tattooed?
I think it’s super backwards to believe neck and hands should be the last part of your body to be tattooed. I remember hearing that when I was younger – that you should always be covered before you touch those areas – but I feel we have progressed so much, it’s 2021 and I think creative expression should be shown no matter what area of the body.
For me, it was a decision to either do what I wanted, or listening to what people believe and it was an easy choice to go for my hands and neck.

What is the meaning of the lettering you have on your chest?
The lettering on my chest reads “darkest nights, brightest stars”. I have suffered a lot with mental health throughout my life and it’s a representation for me that even though some times are dark, there is always still light to be found, and I am that light.

And what about the lettering on your fingers?
The numbers on my fingers represent my mother and father’s birth years.

Do you have any other particular interest? What do you like to do in your free time?
Most of my free time is spent at the gym or out by the pool. I love to exercise and get a tan. I also draw and tattoo myself from home when I get the time.

You look like a very powerful girl. Would you say that’s how it is? How would you describe yourself to our readers?
Thank you! I would honestly just describe myself as a kind hearted person who cares for everybody and lives life with empathy. I like to think I’m unique in my own way and I choose not to live up to social norms or other people’s standards. I certainly don’t put myself on a pedestal at all – I’m just a normal woman trying to make the most of this life!