This tattoo artist, who works between New York and Caracas and participates in international conventions, should not be classified solely in the Realistic style.
Emersson, when exactly did you realize that you wanted to be a professional tattoo artist?
I always felt a great affinity with drawing and knew that my life would revolve around art. However, my path to becoming a tattoo artist was nothing linear; there were setbacks, doubts and great learnings. Everything changed the day I accompanied my cousin to get a tattoo: on that moment I instantly discovered a world that fascinated me. The connection was immediate!

What did you understand that time?
I understood that tattooing would be my way of expression and my life project. With hard work and perseverance, I overcame the ups and downs and perfected my technique. It was a process full of emotion and also uncertainty, but I never stopped believing in my passion. Today, being recognized as a tattoo artist, I remember with gratitude every obstacle that made me stronger.
My story is an example that when a dream calls you, it is worth following it with all your heart.

Your style can easily be defined as Realistic, both in Color and Black and Gray, right?
Realism is, without a doubt, one of the styles with which I really enjoy doing it. However, it is not the only one with whom I have created a strong bond. For me, each style offers unique possibilities: I am fascinated by the strength of the Neo-Traditional and the magic of the Oriental. What is really exciting is the connection that is established through tattoo, regardless of the particular style. My goal has always been to reflect the essence of the client and improve myself with each new piece. I enjoy each tattoo as an opportunity for growth, learn and perfect my technique.

I take it that labels don’t convince you much…
No, I do not believe in pigeonholing myself, because creativity needs freedom to flourish. Thus, my relationship with Realism is only part of the universe of styles that inspire me day after day.

You know how to tattoo very well, and you don’t suffer from vertigo, right? I’ve seen some of your videos on Instagram where you’re flying over New York by helicopter, and… well, you looked very brave!”
Thanks for thinking I tattoo very well! I really value it lot. As for vertigo, I must confess that I do suffer from it, but I like the activities that push me to face my fears. Flying over New York in a helicopter was as exciting as terrifying, and looking out like that was a real challenge.
I think those experiences remind us how brave we can become when we set our minds to it.
In the end, life is more enjoyed when we decide to challenge ourselves and discover that we are capable of much more than we believe.

If you could meet a big name in tattooing (current or past), who would you choose and what question would you ask them?
Without a doubt, I would choose Roberto Carlos Sanchez (IG: @robertocarlosart_tattoo), an artist whom I admire and, fortunately, can also call a friend. I have closely followed his evolution and deeply respect how he has believed in his talent, even in the face of adverse situations.

His dedication and passion for the art of tattooing are a constant inspiration in my own work. The most valuable thing is that I don’t need to ask him a single question, because Robert and I talk and share ideas continuously. We feed each other, we learn from each other, and we motivate each other to explore new techniques and approaches.

You split your time between a tattoo studio in New York (‘Inknation Studio’) and another in Caracas (‘Loyalty Tattoo Studio’). Do you have a specific schedule?
Indeed, I divide my time between New York and Caracas, although I don’t follow a strict schedule. At the beginning of each year I plan my agenda to coordinate my stays in both tattoo studies. Additionally, I must travel frequently to appear at conventions and tattoo internationals around the world.

Therefore, the time I spend in each city varies depending on commitments and customer requests. Sometimes, I can extend my stay in New York (@inknationstudio) or Caracas (IG: @loyaltytattoostudio) according to special projects or specific demands. My priority is always to serve clients with the best quality and professionalism, regardless of location. Although there are no fixed dates, I try to organize myself with time to offer my work in both places in a balanced way.

What is the biggest challenge you plan to take on in 2025?
When thinking about this question, many goals come to mind professionals. However, my biggest challenge for 2025 is to balance my career with my personal life. I want to continue growing and perfecting my technique as a tattoo artist. But I also need time to recharge and enjoy simple moments. This harmony between work and well-being helps me offer a better service to my clients.

And your famous last words are…?
Money makes people rich. Knowledge makes wise people. Humility makes great people.