She likes to have multiple different artists merging their work to make one new whole piece.
She is Cherry the Canadian tattooed girl who collects more than 40 different pieces on her skin. With a particular attention for her slender long fingers…

Hello Cherry where are you from and where do you live at the moment?
I am from Toronto ON, Canada, but I’m currently residing in Calgary AB, Canada!
How old are you and what do you do for a living?
I am 21 years old, and I manage a cannabis dispensary at the moment. I used to be a pastry chef prior to that.

You have a big collection of tattoos all done in the same style. Would you like to describe the style you like and how did you start to be a tattoo collector?
My style is very shaded art, and somewhat traditional. I started with a tattoo that meant a lot to me, and started to fall in love with the look of a full body suit. After that, I couldn’t stop collecting!
How many tattoos do you have on your skin by now?
I have about 40 completed and different pieces!

Why the hands, so visible, instead of other parts of the body? Do you have a back piece?
I do have a back piece. It’s in the process of being started up again to become a full shoulder to shoulder to butt tattoo!
I have always been very insecure about my hands, I grew up with very long fingers.
As I grew up I started to really appreciate my slender long fingers and wanted to get some ink that would compliment them! It was perfect because the length of my fingers is the only reason my artist was able to execute the designs in such detail.

Who are the tattoo artists? And how do you choose the subject for each of them?
I have about 9 different artists at the moment. Most of them also reside and work out of Calgary AB. I choose the design I want them to execute based off their current style and how I envisioned it in my head. I feel as though this helps you get the best piece possible – if the artist is interested in doing it, your piece is gonna have a little more effort put into it, as they will enjoy doing it. I have also picked up a few flash pieces over the years!

How do you consider the tattoo art? Is it an aesthetic expression or what else for you?
It is a representation of who I am, such as things I’ve experienced/feel but also an aesthetic expression. I like being able to have multiple different artists merge their work to make one whole piece.

Are you a skater? Are you involved in that scene?
I long board at the moment. Any chance I get to go out, I do. I would love to learn how to skate this summer as it’s always been a challenge I’ve wanted to try! Long boarding is a huge part of my life though, it helps me distress and get my exercise in.

Last question: three adjectives to describe yourself?
Dedicated, creative and passionate
And your motto is…?
Do what makes you happy, we have one life and it shouldn’t be wasted on pleasing others!