Adrian Sanchez (aka @_blacksanchez_) is the owner of the “Chinatown Tattoo” and in this Tattoo Life interview he tells us that the bigger the more Realistic it is…

When did Adrian Sanchez decide to turn into Black Sanchez?
I changed my name for a marketing issue. I was traveling a lot around the world – conventions, events, videos etc. – and my name, Adrian, was difficult to understand. So I decided to put something known worldwide, and “Black” would fit perfectly with my work. So now my name is Sanchez… Black Sanchez! (laughs)

Can you tell us the highlights of your career as a tattoo artist and wizard of Realism?
Yeah, I am a Realism tattoo artist and my philosophy is: I will always try to make it as realistic as possible! But if you ask me, I’ll tell you that what I do best is making textures, hair, pores, water and fire.

Have you had mentors so far? Or is your talent of reproducing perfect portraits really innate in you?
I never had mentors but I have had good art teachers. I have learned most of my skills directly at local schools studying anatomy, color, shadows, contrasts. I must say thanks to my teachers for it. Knowing these concepts you can apply them to the technique with the needles.
But I always say that it’s really important to study before tattooing.

Can you rank the Terminator movie saga from best to least good? I ask this question because Schwarzenegger/Terminator (or Sarah Connor) is a recurring subject in your works…
Well, I wanted to tattoo that Terminator subject but nobody wanted it… So when a client asked for it, I took over his arm with an entire Terminator figure! (laughs) I can’t rank all these movies from best to worst, but there’s no doubt that the original “Terminator” (1984) it’s a sci-fi masterpiece. I’m more into horror movies but, hey, Schwarzenegger is Schwarzenegger!

Do you think one of the absolute highlights of your career was tattooing the character of Venom as a full back piece?
Yeah! Venom’s full back piece is undoubtedly one of my most outstanding works. It has had a lot of likes, thumbs up and appreciations on various social networks. I love these projects because they are the ones that impress tattoo lovers the most.

Can you describe your artistic creature (“Chinatown Tattoo” in Madrid) and the artists who work with you?
“Chinatown Tattoo” in Madrid it’s one of the things that I am most proud of in my entire life. We work hard to do something very artistic. We give our best in every tattoo. We work on all styles and we do piercing and laser too – all complete! My beloved colleagues are Isra Carvajal (IG: @Isracarvajal), Bàrbara Leona (IG: @Barbaraleona), Alejandro del Mazo (IG: @delmazotattoo) and Sara “Sarita” Yubero (IG: @sarutipiercing).

Those awesome paintings dedicated to 2Pac and Biggie/Notorious B.I.G. (I saw them both on your Instagram account) will they ever become tattoos in future? Or did you create them for another purpose?
Notorious B.I.G. and 2Pac are paintings done beside tattoo art. 2Pac is a customer order and those two paintings are in Texas right now. I try to paint whenever I can, but tattooing covers many hours in my life. You know, sometimes it’s difficult to find free time for other projects but in the future I will divide my job into 50% painting and 50% tattooing. It’s a promise!

Last question: is there a real (or fictional) character that your customers never ask for but that you would like to turn into a tattoo made by Black Sanchez?
The Swamp Creature and Predator are the next ones I want to do. I hope to do them both soon… in a very large body area! (laughs)